Wheel Alignment NEW
Ensuring your wheels are accurately aligned improves both the performance and longevity of your tyres. Wheels often move out of alignment by
hitting potholes, bumps, kerbs, driving on uneven surfaces and through general wear and tear. It is therefore essential to maintain accurate
alignment of your wheels, to ensure their quality and performance remains optimal.
What is a Wheel Alignment?
Wheel alignment refers to the angle of your wheels in comparison to each other and the body of your vehicle. Wheel alignment is adjusted by altering the vehicle’s suspension. Using state
of the art technology to measure your vehicle. The Shock Shop technicians are able to accurately determine exactly how much adjustment is required and apply accordingly. We recommend that you get your wheel
alignment checked at least every 10,000km as well as any time you experience a change in the driving or handling of your vehicle.
Why A Wheel Alignment Is Important
Maintaining proper wheel alignment is essential to avoid unnecessary wear on your tyres, steering and suspension components. Accurate wheel alignment optimizes driving stability,
maximizes tyre life and improves your vehicles overall handling performance. It also improves fuel economy by pointing all four wheels in the correct direction
Warning Signs Your Vehicle Needs A Wheel Alignment
The angle of your wheels can become skewed over time causing various changes to your driving experience.

Do you notice your vehicle pulls or drifts to one side when you let go of the steering wheel while driving? This is a sign your vehicle could be out of alignment.

When your vehicle wheel alignment is not set correctly, your vehicles wheels are effectively fighting the road in order to keep the car on a straight path. This increased friction causes your vehicle to use more fuel.

Uneven alignment angles like "camber" & "toe", will show signs of irregular wear on tyres. This is a clear indication that your vehicle is out of alignment.

Roads are not built flat, therefore a correct wheel alignment will set your vehicle up to suit the condition you drive in, optimizing performance and handling.

Incorrect caster angles can cause unsettling vibrations through your vehicle, like the vibrations you feel when you push a shopping trolley with the wheels pointed backwards.

A quick indicator that your wheel alignment is out is that your steering wheel is not dead centre at 12 o'clock when your vehicle is driving straight.